The effects and side effects of BCAAS (branched chain amino acids)

There are many different types of functional supplements on the market recently, and the most popular among them is BCAAS (branched chain amino acids). BCAAS is the general name for leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids can be found in meat and dairy products and are essential nutrients for muscle growth. In addition to being used by bodybuilders and athletes, BCAAS is also used for medical purposes.

How to buy genuine BCAAS (branched chain amino acids): You can go to’s mall to buy: Muscle Power Mall< /span>

A subsidiary of Muscle Network " Myodynamic Mall< /span>” Branched chain amino acids!

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How does BCAAS work?

BCAAS promotes the formation of muscle protein and reduces the body's ability to break down muscle as a source of energy. BCAAS can also prevent the brain cells of patients with liver disease, delayed involuntary movements (or anorexia) from sending wrong messages. Many athletes take BCAAS to enhance exercise performance and reduce muscle breakdown during strenuous exercise.

How to take

15 minutes before training and 30 minutes after training. Consult your family doctor, pharmacist or personal trainer for serving size recommendations.


Efficacy of BCAAS for bodybuilders

Reduce muscle breakdown during exercise

Accelerate the production of muscle protein

Enhance athletic performance by reducing fatigue

Side effects of BCAAS

Long-term use (more than 6 months) may cause physical exhaustion

Vomiting may occur

May reduce the ability of the intestines to absorb water

Alcoholics taking BCAAS may cause hepatic encephalopathy

May affect blood sugar levels, should be stopped 15 days before surgeryStop taking

Long-term high-dose BCAAS can lead to mental problems

Muscle Network's "Myodynamic Mall” Branched chain amino acids!

Long press to identify the QR code in the picture below to enter more fitness products in the Muscle Mall
