Chamomile tea contains antioxidants which may offer a variety of health benefits and reduce your risk of some diseases. It can also help to reduce your stress and improve sleep.

Chamomile tea is a popular beverage that also offers a variety of health benefits.
Many people enjoy chamomile tea as a caffeine-free alternative to black or green tea and for its earthy, somewhat sweet taste. It’s also full of antioxidants, powerful compounds that may play a role in reducing your risk of certain diseases.
Chamomile tea is also soothing and relaxing, and many people use it to aid digestion and sleep.
Read on to learn more about the potential health benefits of chamomile tea.
May improve sleep quality
Chamomile has some unique properties that may benefit the quality of your sleep.
It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia, or the chronic inability to sleep.
One study of elderly individuals found that four weeks of taking a chamomile supplement twice per day significantly improved sleep quality. It’s not known if the benefits of a supplement apply to chamomile tea.
While current research findings are promising, more studies are necessary to determine the extent of chamomile tea’s effects on sleep. Nevertheless, drinking chamomile tea before bed is certainly worth a try if you have trouble falling or staying asleep.
May promote digestive health
Proper digestion is extremely important for your overall health.
While chamomile may help with digestion and gastrointestinal health, there’s little research supporting this.
Some older animal studies found that it may help control diarrhea and prevent stomach ulcers. Despite these findings, more human research is needed to confirm chamomile’s role in digestion.
Nevertheless, there are many anecdotal claims that drinking chamomile tea is soothing to the stomach. Many traditional medicine practices promote its use for digestive ailments like nausea, and gas.
May protect against certain types of cancer
The antioxidants found in chamomile tea have been linked with a lower incidence of certain types of cancer.
Chamomile contains the antioxidant apigenin. In test-tube studies, apigenin has been shown to fight cancer cells, especially those of the breast, digestive tract, skin, prostate and uterus.
Additionally, one study of 537 people observed that those who drank chamomile tea 2–6 times per week were at a lower risk of developing thyroid cancer than those who did not drink chamomile tea.
These findings are promising, but more high-quality, human research is necessary to make a conclusion regarding chamomile tea’s role in cancer prevention.
May benefit blood sugar control
Drinking chamomile tea could aid in lowering blood sugar levels.
Its anti-inflammatory properties may prevent damage to the cells of your pancreas. Having a healthy pancreas is extremely important because it produces insulin, the hormone responsible for moving sugar from your blood into cells.
One study looked 50 participants with diabetes. They found that drinking chamomile tea twice per day for 4 weeks was linked to improved blood sugar control, lipid profiles, and kidney function.
While chamomile tea isn’t a replacement for medication if you have diabetes, it may be a useful addition to your management plan.
May benefit heart health
Chamomile tea contains flavones, a class of antioxidants. According to research, flavonoids may improve cardiovascular health by reducing LDL, also known as “bad” cholesterol.
One older study found that people with diabetes who drank chamomile tea had reductions in their triglyceride (blood fat) and LDL levels. However, more research is necessary to prove just how effective it is for improving heart health.
Other potential health benefits
The following health benefits of chamomile tea are mostly anecdotal and not supported by scientific research:
- Improves immune system function: Chamomile tea is often promoted as a strategy for preventing and treating the common cold, but evidence for this is lacking. It’s also often used to soothe sore throats.
- Relieves anxiety and depression: There is some evidence that chamomile may reduce the severity of anxiety and depression, but this is mostly based on using it as aromatherapy or taking it as a supplement.
- Improves skin health: Some people claim that applying chamomile to the skin via cosmetic products, such as lotions and soaps, may be moisturizing and helpful for reducing skin inflammation.
Although these health claims lack evidence, that does not mean they are false — they simply have not been studied yet. Chamomile tea is often used for these purposes in traditional and Eastern medicine
Adverse effects of chamomile tea
Drinking chamomile tea is generally safe for most people
There have been reports of chamomile allergies, which are most likely to occur in individuals who are allergic to plants in the daisy family, such as ragweed and chrysanthemums. Additionally, cosmetic products that contain chamomile may be irritating to the eyes.
It’s also important to note that the safety of drinking chamomile tea has not been established in young children, pregnant or nursing women and people with liver or kidney disease.
Nevertheless, there have not been any reports of life-threatening adverse reactions or toxicity from drinking chamomile tea. If you have concerns or think you may have an allergy or intolerance, it’s a good idea to speak with a doctor.
The bottom line
Chamomile tea is rich in antioxidants that may have a variety of health benefits, including improving heart health and sleep quality.
Although the research relating to chamomile tea is promising, there have simply not been enough studies to make a conclusion about its effects on health. Many of the studies have been conducted in animals or using chamomile extract in supplement form, meaning it’s hard to know the real effects of chamomile tea in humans.
Nevertheless, chamomile is safe and many people enjoy its comforting taste and aroma. If you want to explore chamomile tea’s potential benefits, it is definitely worth including in your diet.