Athletes' off-season and in-season fitness diet plans

Season and non-season diet plan for Chinese athletes

Season Meal Plan

Morning: Chicken breast (400g), rice, vegetables

Morning: Egg whites (10 pieces) Bananas (1~2)

Lunch: chicken breast (500g), rice, vegetables

Afternoon: Egg whites (10~12 pieces) Bananas (2 pieces)

Evening: Chicken breast (500g) Green vegetables

Before going to bed: Chicken breast (400g) or (10~12) egg whites

Training time is in the afternoon and evening.

Off-season meal plan

9:00 Oatmeal, 5 eggs (including egg yolk), or whole wheat bread, skimmed milk, Note: additional 5 grams of glutamine (take before fasting).

12:00 Pork, chicken, fish, rice, vegetables (sweet potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, celery and fruits, etc. Eat fruits one hour before or after meals).

15:00 Take 5 grams of creatine, 2 to 3 slices of whole wheat bread and skimmed milk 30 minutes before training;

16:00 After training, take 5 grams of glutamine and 30 grams of protein powder, plus 1 apple.

18:00 The dietary content and calorie intake are roughly the same as lunch (12 o'clock). The difference is that the dietary content (food) is slightly changed, such as protein intake. If you eat chicken at noon, you can eat fish or pork in the afternoon; The same goes for carbohydrates, change the type of vegetables.

21:30 Eating high protein and low carbohydrates will relatively increase the calories of protein and reduce the calories of carbohydrates, especially the amount of staple food (the ratio of protein to carbohydrates is 6:4).

Related foreign bodybuilders’ diet

Stan McGuire’s off-season diet plan

8:00 Mix 12 egg whites, 1.5 cups of oats, and 0.5 cups of blueberries to make egg white and oatmeal pancakes

11:00-11:30 10 ounces steak, 1 cup rice, 2 cups broccoli

14:00-14:30 10 ounces chicken breast, 1 slice of cheese (optional) 1 large sweet potato

17:00 60 grams of whey protein, half a banana, 5 grams of glutamine

17:45 (Before training) 40 grams of whey protein, 5 grams of glutamine

20:00 (after training) 10 ounces chicken breast, 1 large sweet potato

22:30 8 ounces salmon, 1 cup green peas

​Drink plenty of water during meals or between meals

Daily supplement: branched chain amino acids, multivitamins, conjugated linoleic acid, essential fatty acids