As we’re getting up in age, we all wish we had the tools to combat the effects of the aging process.
Forget about the sagging skin, slower stamina, a weakened immune system, and weight gain are the enemies here. There are various mechanisms to help stall these aging realities.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle with a sound diet and workout regimen are a given. Finish the process with these nutritious, muscle-preserving foods.
<p class='slide-count'>1 of 10</p><img width="1109" height="614" src="/uploadfile/2024/1217/20241217135551613.jpg"><p class="photo-credit">George Dolgikh / Shutterstock</p>
This superfood does it all from raising nitric oxide levels to preventing diseases due to its high antioxidant profile. This fruit is also packed with vitamin C, helping prevent wrinkes from sun damage. Yet unknown to many, the juice that’s found in the seeds contain two of the most powerful compounds: ellagic acid and punicalagin.
Ellagic acid fights off free radicals, and punicalagin is a supernutrient that can increase your body’s capacity for maintaing collagen. Collagen is responsible for making your skin look plump and smooth.

Mr.Thanathip Phatraiwat / Shutterstock
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can help improve the integrity of your skin’s cell membrane — helping lock in moisture.
Omega-3 fatty acids have also been linked to reducing weight and having heart health properties — ultimately promoting longevity.

Alexander Raths / Shutterstock
Green Leafy Vegetables
Any dark, green leafy vegetables contain the exclusive group of antioxidants called, phytonutrients. These compounds help protect your skin from any sun damage. Spinach, in particuar, is high in beta-carotene and lutein — two compounds that promote skin elasticity.

Sitthipong Inthason / EyeEm / Getty
Green Tea
Green tea is the ultimate superfood because it has been seen to pack on all sorts of health benefits.
The catechins found in this brew can help ward off those unwanted brown spots that are caused by the sun. And the polyphenols that are found in this tea can help reverse the effects of aging.

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Olive Oil
The “good fats” in olive oil have a myriad of health-promoting aging benefits. Specifially, the omega-3 fatty acids that are present help to improve blood circuation throughout the body — giving your skin that rosey color.
Also, the “good fats” work to raise t-levels, which not only help you reach your fitness goals but also make you feel younger.

F.J. Jiménez / Getty
As you get older, hair loss will happen, but consuming foods that are high in protein and iron can give hair follicles a boost.
Protein is truly the building block for hair. Lentils can actually play a key role in hair maintenance — helping thicken hair cells.

Julia Metkalova / Shutterstock
Drinking cranberry juice has been known to prevent and treat bladder problems because of it’s anti-bacteria properties.
These properties have also been tied to protecting your teeth from cavities. Studies have shown that cranberry juice can prevent bad bacteria from sticking to your teeth — stopping the formation of plaque. One caveat is that cranberries are high in sugar, which is a factor that can contribute to cavities.
So next time you’re grocery shopping, pick up diet cranberry juice.

Krasula / Shutterstock
Avocados are loaded with monounsatured fats — the “good fats” — which can improve brain function and skin texture. Bonus: avocados are high in the mineral, boron. Boron helps to absorb calcium — improving bone density.

Michelle Arnold / EyeEm / Getty
Flavor up a meal with this anti-aging spice. Turmeric has been seen to prevent cancer due to the compound curcumin, and it can improve brain function and prevent fine lines from appearing. Curcumin is also a common joint-frendly supp for lifters.

LightField Studios / Shutterstock
Red Wine
This fountain of youth list wouldn’t be complete without red wine. Red wine contains the compound, reservatrol — reducing the risk of developing heat disease and making you feel more youthful.