How to build arm muscles and strength. Recommended exercises:

There are many training methods for arm muscles and strength, and the training effects of arm training methods are different. Some training effects are good, and some training effects are average. There are still people who know how to train arm muscles and strength. , then, how to train arm muscles and strength? It is recommended to practice these movements. Let’s take a look below!

Skipping rope

Skipping rope

1. Hold one end of the rope in each hand, palms facing forward

< p>2. After starting the rope skipping exercise, just raise your legs slightly at first so that the rope can just pass the soles of your feet

3. When you catch up with the rhythm, slowly move your arms to both sides Open in parallel and jump as high as possible to cross the gradually rising rope

4. The goal of this exercise is to make the arms draw as wide a circle as possible, so as to fully mobilize the shoulder muscles

4. p>

5. Jump rope continuously for 60 seconds

Side push-ups

1. Standard push-up position, with feet together, hands slightly wider than shoulders apart, fingers pointing outwards Both sides

2. Slightly bend the elbow of your right arm to tilt the body to the right

3. Return to the center and then do the same action on the left side, and continue to rotate in this way 60 seconds or until failure

4. If you feel that this exercise is too difficult, bend your legs and place your knees on the floor to reduce the difficulty

Bilateral wrist rotation< /p>

1. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell (1 to 2 pounds) in each hand. Extend your arms forward and keep them at the same height as your shoulders. Palms down

2. Rotate the wrist from the inside out as quickly as possible

3. Repeat for 60 seconds


< p>1. Lie on your back on the ground, hold the horizontal bar in an underhand position with both hands upward

2. Use the power of your arms to lift your upper body until your body is completely off the ground, and at the same time keep your chest as close to the horizontal bar as possible


3. Wait for a second at the highest point and then slowly return to the top position

4. Complete as many repetitions as possible within 60 seconds

Single-arm triceps Settlement

1. Sit on the ground with your legs and feet together, and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the ground

2. Place your hands behind your body, Point your fingers in the direction of your feet while straightening your arms to lift your hips off the ground

3. Bend the leftUse your side elbow and lower your hip at the same time so that it almost touches the ground

4. Straighten your left elbow and bring your hip back into the air, then bend your right elbow and lower your hip again

< p>5. Cycle for 60 seconds in sequence

6. If you want to reduce the difficulty, please spread your legs and feet

Dumbbell shoulder press

1. Stand Position, legs hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell (1 to 2 pounds) in each hand, palms facing inward

2. Bend your arms in front of your body, keeping your left arm While still, straighten and raise your right arm as high as possible above your head, but be careful not to lock your elbow

3. Quickly restore your right arm and raise your left arm at the same time

4. Cycle for 60 seconds, starting at a slower speed, and then slowly increasing the alternating speed

Boxing forward extension

1. Standing posture , while holding a dumbbell (1 to 2 pounds) in each hand

2. Bend your arms, while placing your palms inward under the face

3. Step forward with your right leg While taking a step, take a step back with your left leg

4. Quickly extend your left arm forward, then restore it and extend your right arm at the same time, also starting slowly and then gradually increasing the speed

5. Repeat for 60 seconds in sequence

6. Swap the front and rear positions of the left and right legs and repeat for another 60 seconds